"Life is like drawing on a piece of paper. Without an eraser."

Friday, November 18, 2011

Hollis Woods Essay

Think of this: you are just one day old, abandoned by your mother on a dirty street. People walk by as if you aren’t there, carrying on with their lives. You have nothing but a blanket and a tag that tells people what to call you. For Hollis Woods in Pictures of Hollis Woods, this is a reality. She has never fit in with anyone; therefore she feels uncomfortable with everyone.
            Ever since Hollis Woods was abandoned, she has been put through many foster homes and families. Hollis ran away every single time out of not feeling loved or not loving them. She never gave anyone a chance.
            This is the reason Hollis feels so uncomfortable with everyone. She never had a brother or sister, nobody to hang out with.  Hollis had no one she could truly fit in with…until she moved in with Steven’s family.
            Steven’s family was like a dream for Hollis. She had a companion, and a mom and dad to look after her. Hollis really felt at home with them, and she never wanted to leave. But that all changed when Steven got an injury. Hollis ran away because she thought it was her fault that that happened.
            Hollis only acts troublesome because she wants to hide her true feelings. She won’t open up to anyone. But her personality changes when she moves in with Josie. Josie can be a little forgetful sometimes, so Hollis takes care of her. They have a special bond, so that Hollis really feels comfortable and loved.
            Otherwise, Hollis feels like she can’t fit in with anyone and is too defensive. If she hadn’t kept running away from every single family that she stayed with, she could have finally started to feel some affection towards to at least one of her foster families.

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