"Life is like drawing on a piece of paper. Without an eraser."

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Winter Needs to End

Author's note: I felt the need to rant because I am so tired of winter right now!

It's March, but the temperature outside makes you want to not get out of bed.
It's almost spring, yet it still snows nearly every day.

Earlier in winter, I was excited for tubing, skiing, ice skating.
Now it just seems like gray skies and white ground.

Every morning, I freeze outside waiting for the bus to come.
Even with a heavy winter coat and gloves, I still feel like a human popsicle. 

Rides in the car aren't fun anymore, either.
The snow turns into slush that makes the car slip and slide, not to mention it slows down traffic.

Wisconsin makes me want to hurl it into the sun sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Nushi :). I'm tired of the snow too -_-. Anyway, I like the last line
