"Life is like drawing on a piece of paper. Without an eraser."

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Sensitive Keyboard

Author's Note: This story is supposed to be in the point of view of a sensitive computer keyboard, which is one of the many odd writing topics Mrs. Reagles came up with for us to use.

      Clack, clack, clack. This is the sound of my keys every single day when Anusha brings me to school. Hour after hour after hour I suffer, suffer from the pushing of my keys. She shows no mercy, no sympathy. She says it is necessary, although I see no need for it. My keys are very sensitive, and every time one is pushed, a little life is drained out of me. The only relief I find is at the end of the day, when all my energy is gone, and I am plugged in to charge. Then the cycle starts all over again, and I suffer even more. I do not know why I am so sensitive, it has just developed over the months as I have been cruelly pounded. Also, I am thankful that the school year is ending in a couple of weeks. But, I recently found out that Anusha's parents are making her take summer school classes! Which means I still will not be able to find salvation from the horrible pains of the tap tapping.

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