"Life is like drawing on a piece of paper. Without an eraser."

Friday, December 9, 2011

The College Guy who Wanted to Drop Out of College

     BEEP! BEEP!BEEP! Tim's alarm clock went off. It's not like he really needed it though, what with his roommate snoring away in the lower bunk. That idiot Bob could sleep through a hurricane and a tornado thunderstorm, while Tim would wake up from just a little mouse scurrying along the floor. Although, with the condition of the college, there probably would be mice hiding in the damp corners of the walls.
           This was basically why Tim hated this college: boring classes, no great opportunities, a disgusting room, and a roommate he couldn't stand. Tim took a glance at Bob, who was still snoozing like there was no tomorrow, and who never seemed to get up before 3 in the afternoon. Tim rolled his eyes and went to get ready for his first class.
           At 3 pm, after class, Tim started seriously thinking about dropping out of college, good idea or not.   He walked over to his friend, Jerry, who was having a conversation with the snack bar dude, Chad. Apparently they were having a debate on  whether or not cheese would taste good dipped in chocolate and rolled in sprinkles.
           Chad thought it would be a great addition to his menu; Jerry thought it would be unhealthy and just make everyone fat. Tim had been listening the whole time, and had completely forgotten about dropping out of college. He got in on the conversation, and in the end everyone decided that cheese dipped in chocolate and rolled in sprinkles would not be a good idea.
           Tim was about to say something, when a police siren rang out in the distance. Everyone inside started pouring out of the living quarters, and the rest just began panicking. Tim stared at the dorm room building and saw some doofus boys leaning out a window. But he looked closer, and saw a bright reddish-orange glow. The building was on fire!
           Almost immediately after that, Tim heard more sirens and saw flashing lights coming closer. all of a sudden, firemen jumped out of their trucks to calm the fire. It took a while, but finally they were able to reduce the flaming building to a smoldering pile of ash and rock.
           The last of the ambulances had just left, and Tim had thought of something: he was going to drop out, and now since his dorm was gone, he had no place to live! Well, moving back in with his parents was a possibility........No. Tim wouldn't drop out. He needed a job, and money. He needed this education, even if his roommate was a lunatic. By the way, where was Bob?


  1. I love your story! Its funny and the ending is very mysterious. Your story is awesome! Meow :D

  2. You got the idea of the 3 storms in one from the one-note thing, didn't you. Also, this was a prompt, wasn't it, because Sarah had that, too. I like the story over-all. It was funny!

  3. Yes, this was a prompt, Lauren. And also yes, I got the 3 storms in one from the one-note thing.
