"Life is like drawing on a piece of paper. Without an eraser."

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Heaven's Not Fun

     "Run! Ali! Get out of there!" I stood blankly, staring at my mom, who was shouting at me to save myself. But I couldn't. My feet were glued to the ground. All I could do was stand there as the tree trunk came down in my direction. I was too frightened to run. Too frightened to even scream. I didn't notice the streaks of lightning crashing down around me. The thunder that boomed in everyone else's ears didn't reach me. Even as cold drops of rain ran down my face, I didn't move.
     "What is wrong with you? Get out of the way!" My dad yelled. He stared running toward me, and I finally came to my senses. But as I tried to get away, something pulled me back. I looked behind me and grabbed at my leg. But it was too late. I blacked out as I was crushed under the falling tree.
     As I floated up to heaven, I watched my family members and neighbors desperately trying to move the tree trunk off of my body. I wanted more than anything to go back down to Earth, but I couldn't. It was impossible. Too sad to even put into words, I hung my head down until I felt my feet hit ground.
     At first I thought that I had somehow come back to life, but then I realized that there were clouds all around me. I reached my hand up to scratch my nose, but I noticed that it had a faint pinkish glow. Cool, I thought. I had no idea where to go, so I just started walking down a path.
     There were trees all around me, but no animals, which I found very queer. No birds, squirrels or anything. Heaven is supposed to be a place where all dead beings can have a new life, not just humans. I considered this until I came upon this HUGE golden gate, which I figured was the entrance to heaven.
     I always thought that heaven was just a bunch of singing angels with harps and whatnot, but as I entered, it looked more like my daily life, except on top of clouds. There were glowing people everywhere, just carrying on with their normal.....afterlives, I guess.
    A girl who looked to be about my age walked up to me.
    "Hi there! My name's Kailyn. What's yours? You look lost. Are you new? I can show you around," She offered with a big smile.
    "Uhh...Hi, Kailyn. My name's Alison, Ali for short. Yes, I'm new, and it would be great if you could show me around, 'cause I'm lost," I said.
     "Great! I can be like your guide. So how did you wind up here so early in life?" Kailyn asked as she led me up a path. It wasn't really early in life for me, because I was twelve.
     "I was crushed by a tree in a thunderstorm," I said, still saddened. "How about you?"
     "I got cancer when I was six. No one could treat it," Kailyn said. For a few moments, her eyes clouded up with memories. But then it was gone, and she was happy Kailyn again.
     We kept walking for a few minutes, then I saw a huge castle behind another golden gate, although this one was not as large.
     "Who lives here?" I wondered out loud. Kailyn stopped walking and looked at me like I was an idiot who didn't know anything.
     "God, of course," Kailyn said. We entered the castle and immediately we saw him. The ruler of everything, who could change one's life with the snap of a finger. I wondered why he had chosen to end mine and other young people's lives like this. I always believed in God, so I hoped he would not send me to the other place where bad people go (because believe me, I have done some things to my siblings in my life).
     "Ah, Ali. Welcome to heaven, where you never feel the hectic rush of normal lives," God said in a booming voice.
     "Umm....thanks, I guess. But let me ask you something: Why do you choose to end some people's lives so suddenly, like Kailyn and I, while you let others live? How are we different?" I asked.
     "Well, there is no specific reason, but I feel that some people have rougher lives than others, so I choose to take the stress off of them. I know you have had a rough life, Ali. But don't you feel better now?" He asked.
     "Actually, I don't," I answered, beginning to feel anger bubbling up inside me. "You ripped me away from my family and home, where I was perfectly happy in my "rough" life! And if you took my life, why didn't you take their lives, too? Why me?" I demanded, seething on the inside.
    But God stayed calm. "Because, Ali, you are special. You....well, you don't need to--" He was interrupted by someone bursting through the door. It was a messenger, with something very important to say.
     "Master! I have gotten word that Ali Baker's family is going crazy because they need her!" Said the messenger breathlessly.
     "Why? What is so special about me?" I turned to face God. "You didn't finish your sentence before," I reminded him. "Tell me."
     "All right. Ali, when you were born, we felt a disturbance here in heaven. This only happens once every 500 years, sometimes even less. You weren't born normal. We knew this could only mean one thing. Alison Baker, you are a Spirit Binder," God said. Suddenly I felt dizzy, and I couldn't focus. I felt like I was dying for a second time. Kailyn and the Messenger caught me as I fell over, and God manifested a bed for me. I lay there, blankly staring at God.
     I know what a Spirit Binder is. It's a person who keeps everybody you know together. Without one, you couldn't survive. The Devil tries to pry the spirits apart from one another to turn them into demons. So I was basically in a war with the Devil. How was I supposed to do anything?
     "So you brought me here because I need to fight the Devil?" I asked. "I thought you said heaven is a place where you can escape the hectic rush of daily life."
     "Ali, Ali. You have it all wrong. You don't need to do anything, just your spirit. Your spirit never tires, even if you do. When the Devil is at it's most powerful, everyone like you lets their spirits escape to fight the Devil," God said. "And that time is in exactly three days."
     "What?! Three days? That's it?!" I felt like the fate of the whole world rested on my shoulders.
     "Relax, Ali. You won't be alone, remember. In the meantime, Kailyn can show you around, and take you to your house. But first, I need to give you this," God said, stretching out his hand. It was a small berry, but it was a rainbow color.
     "Umm...thanks, but what is this?" I asked, wondering whether I was supposed to eat it or not.
     "It's a Dreamberry. Once you eat it, you will have the power to manifest almost anything you want," Kailyn explained. "You could decorate your new house, or get a pet, but there are some rules. You can't manifest people, or Devils, or demons."
     "So...I could use this to help me defeat the Devil?" I asked hopefully.
     "Well...not exactly. The Devil is invincible. All anyone here has been able to do is keep him from destroying us, or any of the living people down on Earth," God admitted. "Eat it. Be careful, it actually tastes kind of sour."
     I popped it in my mouth, and my lips puckered, but I immediately felt power coursing through my body. Then it was over, and I felt like Ali again.
     "So...how do I use this new power?" I asked, thinking I was supposed to wave my hands or point my finger or something.
     "It's simple. You just concentrate really hard on what you want to manifest, and after a few seconds it appears in front of you," Kailyn explained. "Go on, try it."
     I concentrated real hard, and when I opened my eyes after a few seconds, there was an adorable lab puppy wagging his tail in front of me. I picked him up and he licked my face.
     "Aaaaawwww!" Kailyn exclaimed. "What are you gonna name him?"
     "Prince. I had a puppy exactly like this one on Earth. I want him to be with me," I said. Prince barked and pointed his nose at the door.
     "What's wrong, Prince? Do you want to show me something?" I asked. He squirmed out of my arms and ran outside.
     "What's wrong?" I asked again. But Prince was dashing off. I manifested a bike and followed him as fast as I could.
     I was panting with exhaustion by the time Prince stopped after leading me all the way across the city. Prince was standing on the front porch of a house that was just the right size for a girl and her loyal dog. He wagged his tail happily, then clawed at the door.
     "What is this place? Is this my new house?" I asked Prince. I opened the door and inside was all I could ever want in a home. The perfect living room, a modern kitchen, my dream bedrooms, and a luxury master suite with a bathroom and a jacuzzi.
     Prince scratched at the patio door, whining to be let out.
     "Okay, okay," I laughed. He shot out and immediately began digging for something. A minute later, his head popped out, covered in dirt. But he was holding something in his mouth, which he dropped into my hands. It was caked with dirt, so I couldn't tell what it was. I washed it off in the fountain, and it started sparkling.
     "It's...a diamond," I breathed. "Prince, I love you." He wagged his tail and jumped into my arms. Soon, my face was covered in puppy kisses.
     "Good night, Prince," I said. I manifested a comfy dog bed for him, then turned out the light with the diamond sitting on a satin pillow on my nightstand.
     The next morning, I leaned over to say good morning to Prince. But he was gone.
     "Prince? Boy? Where are you ? Priiii-iiiince? PRINCE?!" I yelled. He was nowhere to be found. I searched frantically around the large house, but to no avail. I slumped down onto a couch and cried. Sure, I could have manifested another puppy, but I felt like Prince was my loyal, irreplaceable friend. Suddenly, I heard a howl. It was very, very faint, but a howl nonetheless.

To Be Continued.....


  1. Sorry, I didn't finish the story. I only read about 3/4 of the way. When you go to heaven, you remember nothing of your life before. There is no time in heaven, because He made time. I didn't need to read the story to not like the title. How could you say that? Heaven is the most wonderful place you could ever think of. I hope you now understand this. :)

  2. What??? How is there no time in heaven? Oh, and if you read the sequel to this story (it's not done yet), you will see why I titled it "Heaven's not Fun."

  3. What Lauren? That doesn't make any sense! And how do you know what heaven's like?!?

  4. Plus, you can't tell me what to write in my story. It's a non-realistic story, and I can do whatever I want on it. And it was kind of mean to say you didn't like the title :P. Oh, and I finished the sequel to this one. I am now working on a sequel to the sequel.

  5. Well, heaven is the better than you could ever imagine. And there is no time because He created time. It's not nice to say that to me when it's true...
