"Life is like drawing on a piece of paper. Without an eraser."

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Choosing the Right Pet

Author's Note: This is a completely random research essay I just decided to write. It was the first thing that popped into my head when I thought of the word "essay." Aside from that, it might help you decide on the pet you want. My family is looking for a good dog, which is pretty hard considering I'm allergic. But it would be a nice change from the billions of fish I've had. Including the large, slightly overweight goldfish I currently own. 

Looking for the perfect pet, one that suits your family, lifestyle, and home, can be hard. There are so many different options, and just choosing one is almost impossible. When people hear the word "pet," they think of different things. A dog. A parakeet. A chameleon. But picking a pet is more than just having a cute, lovable friend. It needs to fit into your life, and you need to be ready to have the responsibility to care for it.

One of the easiest pets to care for is a fish. Any small aquatic animal, really. If you have allergies, limited space, or maybe just a thing for animals that swim, then a fish is the right choice. A betta fish, for example. Betta fish are one of the easiest fish to take care of. They don't need that much space, and they're quite hardy fish. This means they're able to survive in relatively poor water conditions. This doesn't mean you should let your tank get dirty. The only drawback is that the males tend to get aggressive towards each other, so you shouldn't have two males in one tank. Goldfish are another good option; they don't need much care and they're not aggressive fish. They're just not as hardy as bettas.

You might be looking for something cuddly and less wet, and hamsters are a good option. These cute furry friends are,  like a fish, great for limited space. They don't cost a lot, which is another pro. If you properly care for it, it won't bite or scratch you. One of the downsides is that they're mostly awake at night, so they might make some noise. This goes true for most other rodents.

If you want something you can run and play with, a dog is a great choice. They're friendly, loyal, and playful, so it's no wonder they're called man's best friend. Dogs are loving, and once they get attached to their owner, which won't take long, they're be ready to defend them against anything. Another huge pro about dogs? Some can be specially trained to be your eyes. If you're blind, these are a good pet to put your money on. There are even "hypoallergenic" breeds if you're allergic. But there are some things you'll have to be willing to do: Train your dogs, take them for walks, and give them baths. These are all big responsibilities.

There are many types of pets out there, and these are just a few. What you decide is based on what you think you can live with and what will best suit your lifestyle. You need to be prepared to thoroughly care for it, but it'll be worth it.



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