"Life is like drawing on a piece of paper. Without an eraser."

Monday, January 23, 2012

A found Treasure

Author's Note: My goal is to score high for word choice in this creative piece.
I stared out the window of my usually bright, sunny mansion. But today it was raining cats and dogs, like it had been all week, so that my mansion almost looked like it was floating on a muddy lake. I grabbed an umbrella and walked out the back door, past my backyard with my boots squelching in the mud. 
I reached the Rose River, where the normally clear, peaceful water gave way to a small, misty waterfall. But days of rain had caused the river to swell, and floods threatened to break loose. Something caught my eye as I gazed into the raging rapids.

I reached down, being careful not to slip. The cold shock of the water ran through me, but I managed to pull out a small piece of metal, partly hidden by a chunk of rock. Even in the rain, the piece of metal shone like I had never seen before. Almost slipping a couple of times, I ran back to my mansion and found a hammer.

After pounding away at the hard rock, I finally broke the piece of metal loose. But after washing and polishing it, I found that it was not a piece of metal after all, but a key made of gold. I sat there, wondering what the key could unlock. A loud knock at the door interrupted my thoughts.

My friend Kim stood at the door, shivering in the cold. I invited her in, then asked her what she needed.

"I just wanted to show you something. Look!" Kim showed me what was in her pocket. I gasped in amazement as she pulled out a silver key, which shone just like my gold one. Moments later, there was another knock at the door.

This time, my friend Gina stood on my porch. I invited her inside, wondering what she needed. I was about to ask, but she showed me. I was even more amazed to see a shining, bronze key. Kim and I held up our keys, too. Then suddenly, a beam of light shone from each key. They floated up and created a large triangle on the ceiling.

The keys floated there for a minute, then dropped down. We looked at the ceiling, and were amazed to see a hole right where the chandelier was! I picked up my key in confusion, which was no longer shining.

"What could this mean?" I wondered. "Should we go through that portal thing?" Gina just shrugged, while Kim answered.

"I don't see why not. What could possibly happen?" She said. Now Gina spoke up.

"We could get eaten by a monster. Or we could encounter a fire-breathing dragon. Or we could--" She started, but I interrupted.

"Gina, you know those things don't exist. Why shouldn't we go? It would put some adventure into our lives."

We all agreed, so we filled some backpacks with everything we might need, and of course the keys. I got a ladder so we could climb up.

"Well, here we go," Kim said. We stepped through the portal and immediately found ourselves in what looked like an enchanted forest. All at once the keys slipped out of our backpacks and started floating away, so we followed them. They led us to a large tree, with a lock on a door that had been carved out of the tree. The bronze key opened it.

We found ourselves in a room filled with rubies. Gina broke a large piece off the wall and put it in her backpack. Then the silver key opened another door, which opened up to another room, but this one was filled with emeralds. Now Kim put a piece in her backpack.

Finally, my gold key opened one last door, to a room filled with diamonds. I took one off the ground, but before I could put it in my backpack, it connected with the gold key. The same thing happened with the others. There was a huge door, with three keyholes.

We stuck our keys into them, and the door opened to reveal a huge city, made entirely of gems and jewels. I put my key and diamond into my backpack, and started exploring. Kim and Gina followed, picking at the walls to try and find any loose gems. We came up to a gold door, which opened immediately. There was a palace, and we were invited inside by a king.

"Welcome to Gemina. I've been expecting you. I have some very important news. Melissa, you and your friends have been just found out to be the great-great grand children of long lost queens. So, I can count you as royalty. Please, help yourself to this chest of riches and stay as long as you want."

Two guards brought in a huge chest of everything valuable. Kim and Gina immediately began picking through it to see if there was anything they liked. But all I took was a diamond necklace and a gold tiara.

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