"Life is like drawing on a piece of paper. Without an eraser."

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Sun Persists

Dense fog blankets the city
early in the morning
Making it impossible to see
fifty feet in front of you
As the sun rises
The fog slowly starts to burn off
Fighting a battle
With the unbeatable light
Fading away
Until it surrenders

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Winding down

The school year
is nearing its end
Only a few days to go
The number dropping
Everyone is slowly 
starting to slack off
and shut their brains down
For the summer
We're all waiting
for June 14, 2013
So we can sleep in
Go to the beach
Do whatever we want

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The beach of "S's"

Author's Note: Just a random poem, but I added a lot of "s" alliteration without even realizing it until about halfway through the poem! At that point, I just decided to go along with it and make that kind of a second highlight to my poem.

I stand on the beach
feeling the salty spray of the sea
the wind blowing through my hair
soft, squishy sand under my feet
The sun starts to set
slowly sinking under the horizon
Bright light turning to darkness
Lights go on in the distance
Making slight shadows
Against the setting sun
The serene scenery
Smooth seashells, half buried in the sand
A perfect environment
For anyone

Cause/Effect of "Silver is for Secrets"

In the book Silver is for Secrets, Stacey and her friends are relaxing at a beach cottage during summer vacation after high school graduation. She starts having nightmares about a girl named Clara, who she's never met. In the nightmares, someone's out to get Clara. Clara appears to be oblivious to the current events and spends her time flirting with the guys at the beach. Stacey must find out what her premonitions mean, or someone could end up dead.

The climax of this book is near the end, when Stacey and her boyfriend, Jacob are in their room on a cruise ship. Stacey wakes up and finds that Jacob isn't there anymore, so she goes searching for him. She finds Clara instead, on the deck, bleeding and weak. Stacey starts to help her, but Clara fights her off and admits the truth: There really was no one out to get her, it was all a big lie for revenge. She pushes Jacob off the edge of the ship, where he drowns.

It all started in the first book of this series, Blue is for Nightmares, when Stacey has nightmares about her best friend, Drea, getting stalked. It turns out the stalker was a boy named Donovan, who had been in love with her since third grade. He gets sent to a juvenile detention center after being found out. Now, Clara surprises Stacey by saying that she had been a freshman at the same high school that Stacey went to, and had loved Donovan. This was her revenge, making all Stacey's friends uncomfortable and killing Jacob for sending Donovan away.

Let's go back to when Stacey and her friends are deciding whether to go on this cruise ship: Stacey wants to, so they can protect Clara from any danger. Amber and Drea just want to be there for Stacey. Jacob, on the other hand, is reluctant to go because of some nightmares he's been having: In them, he's drowning, his lungs filling up with water. That's exactly what happens. Even knowing this, he still gets on the ship with Stacey because, being her boyfriend, he has to be there for her.

This is why I believe the moment on the cruise ship is the turning point. After all her hard work for nothing, after Jacob's death and the shock of Clara's twisted, cruel lies, Stacey will never be the same. There is no going back for her, or any of her friends.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Stop Waiting

Author's Note: I felt like writing an inspirational poem. My inspiration was the picture.

Don't wait for things to come to you
go to them
If your ship is lost at sea
swim out to it 
You might wait forever
but it won't happen
Don't quit if it seems tough
Believe in yourself
Take a chance and go for it
You may never get it again